
This product was crafted at KODE Design & Development Studio, where we were asked to design a novel communication method between customers and sellers. The concept involved customers setting their own prices for desired items, which presented a fascinating and complex challenge in reversing the traditional buying and selling flow.



The high price of products

The necessity to spend a lot of time finding a store with the best product prices


Misunderstanding of demand behaviour

Limited marketing budgets

The high downtime of products



The opportunity to buy at your price without wasting time searching for better deals


Opportunity to sell directly to clients, minimize advertising costs, and quickly move products


I analyzed our competitors' features and prepared user personas. Then, I conducted interviews to gather insights and validate our hypotheses.

I analyzed our competitors' features and prepared user personas. Then, I conducted interviews to gather insights and validate our hypotheses.

Design process

I created structure and wireframes and discussed them with my team. Through close communication with the team and stakeholders, we designed the best solution for release.

I created structure and wireframes and discussed them with my team. Through close communication with the team and stakeholders, we designed the best solution for release.

Also, I prepared a structured and detailed UI kit for both the mobile and web apps to ensure consistent interfaces

Also, I prepared a structured and detailed UI kit for both the mobile and web apps to ensure consistent interfaces


I learned how to take a product from concept to completion, conduct research, work with React components, and present my decisions to the team and clients

This project was awarded “The best Mobile MVP app”. Link ↗


I learned how to take a product from concept to completion, conduct research, work with React components, and present my decisions to the team and clients

This project was awarded “The best Mobile MVP app”. Link ↗

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